
Current vacancies

We are looking for positive thinking, professional colleagues to work with us maintaining and developing our values of care, partnership and excellence at The Earls High School.

For further information, or in case of query, please email

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Join our team

In common with all schools, the main reason to join our organisation is to make a difference to the lives of young people. Having said that, choosing the right school for the next stage in your career is a critical choice. So why choose The Earls High School?

1. We are fortunate to have fantastic students who are keen to learn and ambitious in their plans for the future. They have great relationships with the staff in school and in January 2020 OFSTED rated behaviour at the school as good.

2. Staff wellbeing is at the forefront of our thinking. We are serious about ensuring that there is a healthy work-life balance for staff. We have been awarded the silver Carnegie Mental Health Award for Schools this year in recognition of our work in this area. Examples of how we support wellbeing are:

  • All teachers have at least one extra bonus non-contact period over and above the prescribed 10% PPA time.
  • Appraisal is rooted in research and development rather than performance targets and graded lessons.
  • Staff are trusted to do their work with autonomy and without intrusive, high stakes Quality Assurance. There is no requirement for staff to submit lesson plans.
  • There are minimal written reports and data capture is limited to three times per year.
  • Marking and feedback policies are developed at a faculty level and minimising workload is a critical element of our approach in this area.
  • Directed time is well within the 1265 hours.
  • Flexibility is supported, many staff are part-time at school.
  • We have a generous approach to supporting family life, with requests for leave supported without question.
  • School counsellors and Mental Health First Aiders are available for everyone.
  • Staff are discouraged from sending emails outside of normal working hours.
  • Our administrative support is excellent.
  • There is a comprehensive induction package for new staff joining us.
  • All teaching staff are provided with a laptop.

3. We have a clear vision for learning at the school and have a well-developed training plan so that all teachers are able to research, learn and develop their practice.

4. The school is popular in the local community and is oversubscribed. This, along with effective management of resources, means that the school is very stable financially.

5. We have a friendly, welcoming atmosphere and we are very proud of our school. Our staff turnover is low and we provide many opportunities for progression and career advancement in the school and across our Multi-Academy Trust.

If you share our values and our commitment to developing students who have the skills and attributes to thrive in their next steps, we look forward to your application.

Supplementary recruitment information