Pastoral Team

Helping and supporting our students

Pastoral care is the centre of everything we do at The Earls. We have a large pastoral team with a wealth of experience and expertise. Our approachable staff provide an environment based on trust and transparency. The pastoral team also offer a safe space for students to discuss concerns and talk openly about their feelings.

The team is led by Assistant Headteacher Mr Toulson. The pastoral team support students on a day-to-day basis with behaviour concerns, mental health and wellbeing, as well as general worries. They are visible around school and are at the forefront of setting and maintaining expectations. Students can expect to see their pastoral leaders during assemblies, unstructured time and other year group events.

The pastoral team is also closely aligned with our SEND department, so that the wider needs of students can be carefully considered. From here, bespoke plans are created to support the more vulnerable students in our care to make excellent progress. Pastoral staff work closely with outside agencies and are safeguarding trained.

Our pastoral team is split into 3 phases: Lower School (Years 7), Middle School (Years 8 & 9) and Upper School (Years 10 & 11). Each has a Head of School, and a Year Co-ordinator who caters for the specific needs of individual year groups, and a team of learning mentors to support their work.

Students see their Form Tutor every day. Tutors are usually the first port of call for parents and students, and as far as possible students will stay with their form tutor throughout their school journey, so that strong relationships can be formed. Where necessary, worries and concerns will be passed on to the relevant member of the pastoral team. Alternatively, you might wish to contact a member of the pastoral team directly.

Lower School Team


Year 7 – Mrs Bryant


Middle School Team

Head – Mr Baker

Year 8 – Mrs E Tatton

Year 9 – Ms Islam

Upper School Team

Head – Mrs Wycherley

Year 10 – Mrs Aston

Year 11 – Mr Colwell

Attendance Officer Mrs S Reynolds:

All of our pastoral team are trained in safeguarding. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr Ramage, Senior Deputy Headteacher and our Safeguarding officer is Miss Whitlock, both of whom can be contacted on