Code of Conduct

Helping to maintain a safe & secure community

At the Earls High School we believe that good behaviour is fundamental to the aims of our school. Everyone is expected to take responsibility for helping to maintain a culture where all members of our school community feel safe and secure, where teachers are able to deliver high-quality lessons and where students are able to learn to the best of their ability.

At The Earls High School, we recognise that good behaviour can be taught. High expectations of learning behaviour permeate the curriculum. Our Behaviour Curriculum, delivered through assemblies and form-time activities, alongside the PHSE curriculum, provide opportunities to develop students’ social, emotional and behavioural skills. High expectations in the classroom, consistently applied across the school, establish good behaviour as the norm.

Key principles for behaviour in the classroom:

We use the acronym POSITIVES to teach students about the learning behaviours we expect to see during lessons. These behaviours also form the basis of our Attitude to Learning grades.

Key principles for behaviour in school:

At The Earls High School, we base our expectations for behaviour around three key principles; Ready, Respectful, Safe. These simple principles are positively and constructively framed, and ensure that all members of the school community can remember and apply them consistently.
Students who are ready to learn:
  • Attend school regularly and punctually
  • Are smartly dressed in correct uniform
  • Bring correct equipment
  • Approach activities with a positive mindset
  • Ensure that all work is completed to the highest standards
  • Are prepared to take risks in learning
  • Are prepared to develop new skills
  • Respectful
    Students who are respectful:
  • Follow instructions the first time
  • Use polite and respectful language towards all members of the school community
  • Demonstrate good manners
  • Value other viewpoints
  • Take ownership of actions
  • Look after the school buildings and grounds, and keep them litter-free
  • Are able to work collaboratively
  • Are open-minded to new experiences
  • Safe
    Students help keep our school safe when they:
  • Behave safely when moving around school
  • Act with kindness, equality and fairness
  • Set a positive example to others
  • Think before speaking or acting
  • Act sensibly when travelling to and from school
  • The school behaviour policy applies not only when students are in school or travelling to and from school, but at all times when they are acting as members of our school community.

    Students also learn by example, and all adults at the school, including visitors, have a responsibility to model the high standards that we expect. The full reasoning behind our approach to behaviour is laid out in our behaviour policy which can be accessed on our Policies page here.