Information for students and parents
Choosing your GCSE options is a really exciting process but it is also important to think very carefully about the choices you make. Make sure that you read the options booklet, speak to your subject teachers and form tutors, and talk your ideas through with your parents.
Below you will find a digital version of the Options ’25 booklet, which contains lots of information about the options process as well as a page for each subject you can study. You will also see the options blocks for 2025.
Key Dates
- Friday 24th January: Careers Fair in school
- Wednesday 29th January: GCSE Options Launch – Student Assembly
- Wednesday 29th January: Receive paper copies of options booklet, personalised letter and option blocks
- Thursday 30th January: Options Evening
- February: Form time preparation and activities, subject information in lessons
- Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th February: Year 9 Parents’ Virtual Evening (online)
- Wednesday 26th February: Options form deadline
- 3rd – 8th March: National Careers Week https://nationalcareersweek.com/
- March and April: Checking processes and interviews with students
- April and May: School organises the staffing and timetable for the options
- July: Students and parents informed about allocation of options
- September: Teaching of option subjects begins. All students stay in their option subjects for the full two years
Options columns
1. You must choose one subject from each column. Choose two reserves from any of the columns.
2. All students must choose a minimum of one blue subject. You can do more than one.
3. A short test will be completed to ascertain a student’s suitability for computer science due to the nature of the subject content.
4. You cannot choose the following combinations: Sport and PE; Child Development and Health and Social Care; Art and Art Textiles.
5. If a student ticks the triple science box, they will need to complete an entrance exam and have an attendance review. Students wishing to study triple science should also be prepared to attend after school sessions to ensure all the content is completed.