Friends of The Earls

Parents, Teachers & Associates

Friends of The Earls is a group of parents, teachers and associates of the school, who meet regularly throughout the academic year to support the school and its students.

Friends of the Earls organise events such as coach trips to London, Windsor and Chester amongst other places. We also host fashion shows and quiz nights at the school, and run a tombola stall at Halesowen Carnival – we are always grateful for the support shown at these events.


We also host fashion shows and quiz nights at the school, and run a tombola stall at Halesowen Carnival – we are always grateful for the support shown at these events. All profits raised at these events are given back to the school for the benefit of its students. Musical instruments, lab coats for science club, sports equipment, and books have been provided in recent years along with a host of other items, with the funds raised at our events.

Friends of the Earls members can be seen serving refreshments at Parents’ Evenings, dance and music shows and open evenings – any donations for these are greatly received and are again donated back to the school.